
Slow Growth

Watching grass grow is not the most exciting of pastimes; especially when it doesn't seem to be growing at all! It has been almost too cool over the past week for grass to grow. I should have a good amount of germinating seeds by now (it's been nine days), but I've got nothing.

I just don't think the ground is warm enough to promote quick germination. That's why Fall is such a good time to plant grass because the soil is warm from a summer of sunshine, but the nights are cool which helps to promote seed growth.

For those from outside of the region, you should know that we've had an extremely cool start to summer in Grand Forks. We've been well-below average. In fact, the average temperature is nearly 10 degrees below normal so far in June (see chart here). WDAZ's Meteorologist John Wheeler is promising a slow warm-up, so we'll see if we get some green growth. I need it to get started. I have some paint to watch dry as well!

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